There is much more to the New York real estate market than staggering prices. While recent prices might be hard to swallow, Hudson Valley real estate owners deserve the best deal possible on their homes — and the best way to achieve this goal is to perfect the listing down to the most intricate details.
The description, the pictures, the timing, and everything in between should be given the proper time and care to ensure results. If you want to time your listing perfectly, here are the best days to put it on the market.
The NY market
While most homes in this region are upper-scale in the NY market overall, there is still a wide range of options. Take the Hudson Valley real estate market, for example. These top-of-the-line luxury homes sell for millions, with an impressive $45 million waterfront home at the top of that price range. However, this area's entire span of homes goes from $32,500 to $45 million. Those kinds of numbers service a wide variety of homebuyers.
The range is even smaller in other regions, like Rhinebeck. This area has moderate options alongside luxury homes with home prices between $460,000-$5.5 million. While that edges out the lower end of the market, it does encourage positive market growth. While you can choose what level of luxury you’re interested in, the homes in the NYC suburbs are generally upper-level no matter what day you sell them.
National best listing days
While there are 365 days throughout the year, there are better months and days to list your home. When looking at national stats, it’s easy to figure out a few of the best options for selling Rhinebeck homes.
As far as months go, stick to the summer season. May through August always see some of the best listing prices year-round. However, another possible high-price month is March. As most states start warming up into spring, there’s a noticeable uptick in sales, as much as 34%, according to the National Association of Real Estate.
Now, to the day in question. Across the country, Friday seems to have the best listing stats. According to NAR journalists, homes listed on Friday are 12% more likely to be sold within 90 days.
Interested buyers are more likely to tour recently posted homes when searching for a home using online tools. That means Friday becomes a lucrative selling day for any home, not just Hudson Valley real estate.
New York’s best
While there are similarities between all kinds of real estate regarding what days to sell, New York can be a bit different. For example, some sources say that March or April are the best times to list a home in New York (even better than the summer months). Others say June or July. The late spring and early summer months seem to be your best choice for your Hudson Valley real estate, unlike other places that see August as their best-selling month.
Regarding specific days, New York’s best days for listing a home are Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday is the best for quick sales, and Thursday is the best for profit. These listing dates offer a decent amount of time for interested homebuyers to notice your property. With New Yorkers' busy schedules, they have enough time to plan weekend tours for Rhinebeck homes for sale.
New York’s worst
New York’s worst listing days follow the same logic as the best days. For example, Saturday and Sunday are the worst days for quick sales and profits. By the weekend, prospective homebuyers have planned their tours of Rhinebeck homes for sale.
For this reason, weekend listings are often ignored until the next touring weekend hits, which means they’re already behind their competitors. There’s no need to list your home during a time when it will be ignored. If you fall behind on writing your description and consider posting Sunday instead of Friday, don’t. Just wait until the following Friday to give your home its best shot.
Where to list
Once you’ve decided which day you want to list (whether Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday), your next step is to get your Hudson Valley real estate listed on the MLS, where agents can easily find your listing. Another great place to list your home is on a real estate agent's site. With the agent's help, you will have unique access to their other clients and top-tier descriptions that will entice the right buyers.
If you want to help market your property, you can also share your listing on local real estate Facebook groups, post fliers at your local coffee shop, or share your intentions to sell with friends and colleagues for a more hands-on approach. Even in the digital age, many Rhinebeck homes sell this way.

How to ensure a quick turnaround
Make your listing pop by making sure what you list online looks as appealing as possible. Think professional staging, accurate and alluring descriptions, and expert home pictures. As mentioned, these details are all easier to complete with the help of a local professional real estate agent.
Agents are truly invaluable when selling Hudson Valley real estate. Some even specialize in photography and staging that can help spruce up your house before it goes on the market. Also, any local agent should be able to help you pick if Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday will be the best listing date for your specific area.
Ready to get your home listed? Reach out to one of the trusted local agents at HW Guernsey Realtors for assistance.